
Acts 20:24

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11 April, 2024



ACTS 20:24

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.


What is your greatest goal in life? Is it to leave a legacy to your children - to provide for them financially even after you have passed away? Is it to build a reputation, to be the best in your field, to be well regarded as an expert in whatever it is you do for a living? Perhaps it is to accrue enough wealth to be able to travel and see all of the wonders that this world has to offer?

I think those are probably some of the most common responses to that kind of question these days, although I am sure there are others. The specifics of how you might go about achieving those things may vary to a degree, but most people, Christian or otherwise, aspire to achieve something along those lines with their time here on earth. That's not the way the Apostle Paul saw things. After encountering Christ and being converted to faith in Him, Paul's only aim in life was to testify to the good news of God's grace which is expressed most clearly in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. That's it - no other goals or ambition. In fact, he considered His own life worth nothing to himself.

Can you imagine a more counter intuitive approach to life in our today than the one expressed by Paul? It seems that these days every one is focussed first and foremost about getting what they want. Even within many churches there are people who are more determined to ensure that pews do not get replaced with comfortable chairs, or that the liturgy or 'format' of worship is not tampered with than seeing that the message of the gospel is communicated to the world through their words and deeds.

Jesus said, a house divided against itself cannot stand. Is the focus and energy of your life split into many aims? What do you think could happen if it became focussed on the one goal of proclaiming the gospel of Jesus?

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, you know that life in this world can be hard and full of temptations that draw our attention and focus away from the things of the Father. Yet despite that, you were able to remain focussed on His will and went to the cross for me. Help me to remain focussed on the task you have given me, to tell others of your amazing love and to do my best to demonstrate that love so that they may come to faith in you. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle.