
Acts 17:26

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6 January, 2023



ACTS 17:26

From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.


All of my schooling was done in Lutheran and other Christian schools and universities. While it was not my favourite subject I was made to study History for most of my high school years. We learned about the great kingdoms and civilisations of the past. Ancient Egypt, the Roman Empire, Ancient Mayan and Aztec civilisations, The colonial expansions of the British, Dutch and Spanish. We learned all about the reasons for the rise and fall of these nations and empires; over extended military, technological advances in scientific knowledge and weaponry, the rise of other nations and civilisations, financial mismanagement and excessive lifestyles. But nowhere did any teacher ever suggest that God might have had something to do with the rise and fall of empires.

Much of the Old Testament historical writings deal precisely with this idea that God even uses the kingdoms and nations of men to achieve his purposes. Sometimes, in the midst of those circumstances seeing God at work can be difficult. Even the Israelites sometimes struggled to see God at work on their behalf as they walked through the wilderness or were held in captivity and exile in Babylon and yet, on this side of History we can see how God shaped his people and led them in such a way as to bring about salvation for all humanity through them.

Our world is still shaped to a large extent by the rise and fall of powerful leaders and nations but we can have confidence that whatever happens, God is sovereign over even those things and that their times are limited and that God has boundaries set even for them.


Heavenly Father, when you see the news it is hard to imagine any sense or purpose to what can only be described as the chaos of the world around us. So today I pray for those who have been appointed as leaders, may they find wise counsel in faithful people who have you as their true leader. May they become aware of the reality that they are indeed tools in your hand, meant to serve the good of those they lead and not their own selfish ambition. And amidst the chaos, give me confidence to trust that you are still in control. Amen