
Acts 17:24

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23 October, 2022



ACTS 17:24

“The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands.


The setting for today’s verse is Paul in the city of Athens.  He’s talking to the intellectuals of his day after walking through their temples with a smorgasbord of altars dedicated to the gods.  There’s Zeus, the leader of the gods, in charge of rain and the sky. Hera, Zeus's wife, was the goddess of marriage and childbirth. Poseidon, the god of the sea. Aphrodite, the goddess of love. Hades, the god of the Underworld, where the dead lived. Ares, god of war and battle.  Each god had their own distinct personality and area of life that they covered.  But as Paul walks among them he finds one with an inscription: ‘to an unknown God’.  The Athenians want to cover all bases.  But as Paul points out, this unknown God, that they don’t know is the only powerful God.  He is the one who created the world and everything in it.  This God is alive and ruling in heaven and earth – a God so powerful that he isn’t confined to the temples they worship in, but is active in the world today.  A few verses later, Paul declares that in him, we live (are created), move (are active and alive) and have our being (have a reason for living).  This all powerful God who is “knowable”, longs for a relationship with his creation.  This all powerful God reveals himself to his creation in Jesus Christ.  This all powerful God, is the only true God who can save his people in every domain of life.  This all powerful God is the God who is to be worshipped!  So how will you worship him today?



Almighty God, you're the only God whose power none can contend, you're the only God whose name and praise will never end. You're the only God who's worthy of everything we can give, so we worship you today.  Amen.