
Acts 17:16

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15 August, 2023



ACTS 17:16

While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, he was greatly distressed to see that the city was full of idols


What do you do when you find yourself in a city full of idols??? It may seem a strange question for us today when religious iconography, statues and temples no longer line the streets of major international trade cities. But look a bit closer and you will see the idols are still there, they just look a bit different today. Instead of a marble statues and temples we have concrete, steel and glass towers that exist to serve the almighty dollar. We celebrate and glorify the popstars, entertainers, and sporting heroes of our time but fail to praise and honour the God who created it all. We fill sporting arenas and large public venues to gather in community in support of a sporting team but our churches appear emptier each week.

Just like Paul found himself surrounded by idols in Athens, we find ourselves in a culture full of idols. It should cause us some distress because those idols lead us and those we love to place our faith in things other than our God. But Paul did not react by tearing down all the idols and statues. He spoke the Gospel message into the idol worshipping culture. He found a way to present the message of hope in Christ which fit the culture of the people he encountered, without watering down the message of the gospel.

Don't let the culture and its idols water down the message you have to share. The questions people have today are not much different than the ones they had then. Listen to the people around you and just like He did for Paul, God will show you how the gospel is the answer to the questions they are asking.

PRAYER: Lord God, you are the one true God of all the universe, there are none beside you. Yet the world around me presents so many conflicting messages and philosophies and false gods that sometimes it's hard to see how to share you in that crowded space. Help me to realise the unique freedom that the Gospel of Jesus offers to those whose trust is in you and find ways to share that in the idol filled world around me. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle