
Acts 13:32-33a

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13 April, 2023



ACTS 13:32-33A

“We tell you the good news: What God promised our ancestors  he has fulfilled for us, their children, by raising up Jesus. 


Even if you don’t follow Rugby, you would have heard of the “All Blacks”, New Zealand’s National Team. How they build the culture and ethos of the team is incredibly fascinating. When a player makes the All Blacks team, they’re given a small black book. On the first page there is a jersey from the 1905 Originals, the first tour. On the next page is another jersey of the “1924 Invincibles”. It continues on, telling the story to the present day, sharing the history, the ethos, the values that characterise those who pull on the jersey. The end of the book includes blank pages, waiting to be filled by the debutant. “This is your time…write your legacy…leave the jersey in a better place.”  

Paul’s first recorded sermon here in Acts does a similar thing. He shares and passes on the story of God at work in the world that he has received. He connects Jews and Gentiles alike with his-story, culminating in the resurrection of Jesus. It’s a story that continues to shape, transform, influence, impact and give identity to each generation. It’s a story that includes you. How will you continue to pass on and leave the jersey of faith in a better place for others? This is your time.

What will you write on the blank pages of life that leave a legacy for others to know his story and discover their place in his story


Lord Jesus, help me faithfully write the next chapter of your story in my life.  Amen.