
Acts 10:44-45

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23 May, 2024



ACTS 10:44-45

While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message. The circumcised believers who had come with Peter were astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on Gentiles.


It's beautiful to see when it happens. Synchronicity. When things come together perfectly. When two things are in sync with each other. Forwards in sync with their midfield. Dancers in sync. An orchestra in time with one another. A couple who are totally on the same page. A working dog working seamlessly with their owner. Trapeze artists and their catchers wowing the audience with perfect timing.

Synchronicity is at the heart of the reading today. The Word of God and the Spirit of God working in perfect sync. While Peter was still speaking, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message. In tandem. In perfect timing. On the same page. And it is beautiful to see. That's always the way when God's Word in spoken. In the speaking of the Word, the Spirit of God is working to open hearts and minds to Jesus. We see it throughout the book of Acts...Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch, the jailer and in our reading today with Cornelius. When you hear the Word of God today, the Spirit of God will speak what your heart needs to hear. When you speak the Word of God to someone today, the power of the Spirit will be in sync with that Word, to powerfully work what God desires in the heart of that person. We are seeing that happen, across LifeWay at the moment. And it is so beautiful to see.

May you experience that synchronicity as you hear God's word today in your own life. May you see it at work as you speak the Word of God to someone today.


Father God, give me courage to share the good news of the Gospel with someone, trusting that your Word and Spirit will be in sync to powerfully work in the lives of those you are calling to you. Amen.