
Acts 10:34-35

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9 June, 2022



ACTS 10:34-35

So Peter opened his mouth and said: “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.


It's a common source of joking in our family. Everyone in our family knows who it is. The one who is always in the passenger seat when heading to the shop. The one who always remains behind when the rest of the siblings are doing their own thing. She is known as the ‘favourite child’. But as she constantly says ‘You are all my favourite. I love everyone just the same.’  

That’s precisely the truth that Peter declares in our passage today. As he meets Cornelius, he declares that there is no room for favouritism or partiality in the kingdom of God. God's love for all is the same. The result of the gospel at work in our lives is a changed outlook that no longer uses people to get what we want, or as a means to get where we want to go. It no longer makes judgments about others because of background or appearance. The grace of God gives us a new perspective. It sees all people simply as people that Jesus loves enough to die for. Now there’s a radical thought that can transform a community! As a meme going around on social media says, "You will not look into the eyes of someone today that God does not love.'


Lord Jesus, help me to love others today with the same inclusive grace that you have shown to me. Amen.