
Acts 10:2

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27 May, 2022



ACTS 10:2

He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead.


In today’s verse, Peter is talking about himself and the other disciples, and how they were God’s chosen witnesses of all that Jesus did. And that because of this, they were commanded to preach to the people and testify that Jesus ‘is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead.’ 

As Christians, we too are called to share who Jesus is with others. This can happen not only in speaking about our faith, but also through simple everyday actions.

I recall a time a number of years ago, when a lady whom I had never met before, walked into the church office to enquire about the possibility of using our facility for one of her classes. She was in an awkward predicament at home and needed another space where her students could come and go without it  being a problem. I showed her around and offered her the hall area for a small fee, which she gladly accepted. 

After a number of months and getting to know her, she opened up to me and told me that she felt led to walk into our building and that I made her feel warm and hospitable and she knew that this place was the right place for her. Her words took me by surprise as I was only doing what I would always do, but somehow, she saw that through me and my kindness and understanding of her situation that it was right for her.

How can you show others Jesus through your actions today?


Father, as we serve you, may we be reminded that serving others is serving you. Bless our ordinary acts of everyday life with a special sense of your presence so that others may see Jesus in us. Thank you for loving us, living in us, and spilling out of us in everything we do. In Jesus name. Amen.

Today's devotion written by Josi Weiss, LifeWay Epping