
2 Timothy 3:16

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27 March, 2023



2 TIMOTHY 3:16

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness


I'm pretty sure nobody likes training. Nobody joins a sporting team in order to go to training, you join a team to play games, beat your opponents and win the grand final or premiership game and take home the trophy.

Sometimes I think Christians can be guilty of joining God's team with a similar mindset, made worse by the fact that we know that in Christ we have already joined the winning team. When you know victory is assured, what motivation is there for training?

Yet Paul's second letter to Timothy reminds us that God has given us his Word to 'train us in righteousness'. Training in righteousness is not about assuring our victory, Jesus has already done that, but training in righteousness is about winning others to the kingdom of God. When we learn to listen to God, to follow His word and His instructions, He can use us more easily to reflect His love and grace to the world and draw others to Himself through our training in righteousness.

Do you have someone you have been praying for to come to faith in Jesus? If so then get training! You might be just the instrument God wants to use to make that happen!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I'm sorry when I don't take my spiritual life and righteousness training seriously. Please renew me with your Spirit and help me to see the places where you have work for me to do so that others might see you more easily in me. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle