2 TIMOTHY 2:15.
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
When my wife and I were studying to be teachers, Elise had a job at a fast food chain and was given the role of shift manager. She often recalls the difficulty of that job, not because of the work she had to do, but because of the work all the young 15 year olds didn't do.
These young people had a job which paid them reasonably well. The company had taken them on without any experience or specific skills and had trained and inducted them to perform a task, and many would just decide not to show up at the very last minute.
Funny thing is, they then had the gall to complain when their more reliable co-workers got all the shifts on the following roster.
Sometimes I think we look at some heroes of the faith and complain in a similar way. "How come that person seems to always hear from God when they pray?" or "Why does Joe Bloggs get to help with visiting?" there's probably a whole bunch of others. The point is, why wouldn't God use someone who has a proven track record? Why are we surprised when people who dedicate themselves to reading God's word and praying to him, hear him speak to them more clearly? Why do we expect God to rely on us when we have not yet learned to rely on him? It's worth thinking about.
PRAYER:Heavenly Father, please help me to live a life worthy of the calling you have given me, that call to be your child. Help me to live in a way that recommends you to others as they see the difference that you make in my life. Please help me to trust you and rely on you more each day. Amen
Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle