
2 Timothy 2:15

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20 October, 2022



2 TIMOTHY 2:15

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.



 “You don’t have to be the best – just make sure you do your best”. I remember my parents telling me this as I was growing up, and it’s a mantra that has carried me through many areas of my life. But it isn’t always easy to ‘do your best’ is it?

How about when it comes to faith? Do you ‘Do your best’? Today’s verse reminds us that we need to give God our best in all we do. As believers in Christ, we are already ‘approved’ by God, we are recipients of his amazing grace, but do we always act like it? I read recently that the trouble with many people is not that their best for God isn’t good enough, it’s that in reality they are not giving God their best.

Part of doing our best for God includes living and working each day and being unashamed of our faith in our daily life – someone who strives to live the truth that Jesus has laid out in his word and live accordingly. 

So what areas of your faith life need a little fine tuning at the moment? How can you ‘do your best’ for God today?



Jesus, thank you that I am approved by God because of what you have done for me and the faith you have given me. I pray that what I believe and how I live line up with each other. Help me to really do my best for God each day, especially today. Amen.


Today's Daily Verse is written by Elysia McEwen, LifeWay's Graphic Designer and Communication's Coordinator.