
2 Peter 3:9

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13 July, 2023



2 PETER 3:9

The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some think of slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish, but all to come to repentance.


Do you ever wonder why God let things drag on so long with Pharaoh and didn't just magically relocate his people into the promised land? Ever wonder why the people of Israel had to walk around in the desert for 40 years just to make what could have been a 2-3 week journey? Was God just being slow or did he have a purpose?

Sometimes it's easy, especially when the world around us seems to be setting itself up against us, to wonder why God is taking his time in delivering us.

For example, Maybe you have a sick friend or relative for whom you've been praying for days, weeks, or even months and nothing about their situation seems to be changing. Perhaps you have been looking for a new job and just keep getting knocked back for position after position despite your prayers and best efforts.

Whatever you might be asking God for at the moment, remember, just because you do not see an obvious and immediate solution to your problem or answer to your request doesn't mean God is missing or He's 'checked out' on you. He could very well be, and probably is, at work bringing about something bigger and better than you ever imagined, something that not only depends your faith in him, but which also has the potential to draw others to himself as well.

PRAYER: Lord help me to be ready to go wherever you may lead me. When I feel alone and haven't heard clearly from you in a while, remind me to be still and know that you are God and you have it all under control.

Today's daily verse written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle.