
2 Corinthians 8:9

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13 March, 2023




For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.


Do you consider yourself rich? What does it mean to be rich? We often equate ‘richness’ with wealth and if we use that marker then how much money makes someone rich? For all but 1 person in the world there will be someone who has more, or earns more. So, what makes us rich? Jesus did not have wealth in a worldly sense, but He left the wealth of His heavenly throne and its glory and became poor by taking on the sin of the whole world. He did this so all of us might receive the riches of God’s grace, a free gift given to each of us completely undeservedly. You are God’s child, you are rich with love, grace, and freedom. So, live in the richness of this gift, and give thanks to Jesus for His willingness to give everything up so we could be rich!!!


Jesus, thank you that you gave up your throne of glory to endure the poverty of separation from your Father on the cross. Thank you that you did it all for me, that I could experience the richness of your grace, forgiveness and hope for my future. Help me to be generous with all I have, as you are generous to me. Amen.

Today's verse written by Elise von Stanke, Lifeway Newcastle