
2 Corinthians 7:1

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25 April, 2023




Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.


Our verse today starts with a ‘therefore, since we have these promises’. What promises? Chapter 6 reminds God’s people (which includes us today) that He is their God, and they are His people, they are set apart and made holy. This means there are ways God calls them to live (or not live). This is the same for us today. So, is holiness something we can attain for ourselves? No! It is Jesus who purifies us and cleanses us from our unholiness. We can however, avoid situations that are not good for us. God wants what is best for us! Also, by living a life set apart we point those around us to Jesus and the difference He makes in our lives. So today, live a life set apart, as God’s holy child, because that is exactly that God has made you to be!


Jesus, thank you for the purifying work you do in my life everyday. Remind me as a walk through my life today that I am your child, set apart and holy because of your work in my life. Amen.

Today's devotion written by Monday Night LifeGroup, LifeWay Newcastle