
1 Timothy 6:6-7

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23 October, 2023



1 TIMOTHY 6:6-7

Now there is great gain in godliness with contentment, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world.


Have you heard the old saying? "As a rule, man's a fool. When it's hot, he wants it cool. And when it's cool, he wants it hot, Always wanting, what is not!" It's a truth that advertisers play on, that what we have is never enough. That we need the newest, the most up to date, the best. Is it any wonder that we are so discontent and dissatisfied with the things we have been blessed with?

Paul, in writing to Timothy, shares with him that true contentment doesn't come with a full bank balance or the accumulation of stuff. Contentment comes when we realise how rich we are because we have been given the gift of a relationship with Jesus Christ. The love that he has shown, the mercy that he gives, the grace that fills our life is what makes our lives truly rich, irrespective of the situation we find ourselves in financially or materially. Christ is enough for you and me.

How can your life today give witness to the truth that Christ is all you need?


Lord, when I am tempted to think the grass is greener someplace else, remind me that the grass is greener where it is watered. Help my relationship with you to flourish so that I might know the joy of contentment. Amen.