
1 Timothy 4:8

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26 January, 2024




For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.



Paul instructs Timothy that taking care of physical health as a routine exercise is a good idea with benefits while we live in that body but it doesn’t carry over to the life ahead. On the other hand to train ourselves in godliness has value as we serve our Lord on earth, but the true impact of spiritual growth is eternity, and so, as true believers, our focus should be on the next life and be consistent and genuine in our approach to training in Godliness,

We need to be diligent in our studies and not drawn into false ideas, so there is a need to defend the truth.  How we live and teach others is important as this is one way by which people judge us and the church.  

We know and believe God keeps his promises so we show our thanks by continuing to read our bibles, attend church to hear God’s word explained, join a study group, help build others up, love and care for others.  Prayer is important as it connects us with God's will and his work for our lives. Jesus was a person of prayer who spent time connecting with his Father regularly during his ministry. You may have been doing some of these things, not considering them as spiritual training, so as we journey through a new chapter, following our Advent-ure, we need to look at how regularly we are engaged in spiritual training, Maybe this is a new work for this new chapter of your life in 2024.



Father God, help me as I practice godliness with new understanding of how valuable it is, because it holds a promise for the present and for the life to come forever, In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Today's devotion is written by LifeWay Newcastle member and Jesus disciple, Maureen Macpherson