
1 Peter 5:10

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22 May, 2023



1 PETER 5:10

 And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.


‘Everything worth doing will be difficult to do’. Have you ever heard a quote similar to this? As a teacher, I often need to remind my students that their hard work will be worth it in the end. It’s hard to see the end though, when you are in the midst of the hard work! Also, being reminded of this can be little comfort to those who are enduring the pain. Peter reminds us in this verse though, that our suffering is only for a little while, and the wonderful reward at the end is strength and steadfastness. Our suffering, in whatever form that takes, will be worth it, and only for a fleeting moment, compared to the eternal glory of being with Christ and being restored fully by Him. So, endure and look forward with anticipation to your eternal reward.

PRAYER: Jesus, I thank you that you understand my suffering, because you suffered also. Help me to endure through my suffering, reminding me that it is only for a short while, until you restore me fully again. In your glorious name I pray, Amen.

Today's devotion written by Elise von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle