
1 Peter 4:10

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24 February, 2023



1 PETER 4:10

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.


The word ‘gift’ in the text is ‘charisma’ in the Greek of the New Testament. That is, a gift from the Holy Spirit to be used for the specific purpose of sharing the Good News in some way or form. A gift to bring blessing to those God gives to you, to serve. So, the focus is not what gift or gifts you may have, but on the people who will receive the blessing from the Spirits gift to you. It’s for you, through you, to others.

What is your gift from the Spirit. You may say that you don’t know. But don’t stop there, and don’t say you haven’t been gifted, because that would be a lie whispered in your ear by that old snake from Eden. If you don’t know, then say, ‘I don’t know yet’. And then pray and wait on God’ revelation. While you wait you may choose to exercise the greatest gift of all, serve with love. God will reveal his gifts at just the right time.

PRAYER: Father here I stand ready to serve my neighbour lovingly. Here I stand waiting your revelation of how I may serve through the Spirit’s gifts. Here I stand ready to follow Jesus today. Amen.

Today's devotion written by David Schuppan, LifeWay Illawarra