
1 Peter 2:9

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8 July, 2024



1 PETER 2:9

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.


I think I have mentioned this before, but there is one word in American English, that you just don't hear in 'proper' English. I understand you encounter it more often in the Southern States, but it's a wonderful contraction of 'you' and 'all', which gives us the wonderful word 'Ya'll'.

The plural form of the word 'you' appears so frequently in the Bible, but in regular English, we only have the one word both for referring to an individual or a groups of people. This American invention is one of the good additions to the English language because we can use it to better understand scriptures like this one.

Here Peter uses the Greek plural form of the word you, so we might be better off translating it like this, (you can imagine a Southern American accent if you want)

"But ya'll are a chosen people, a royal nation, God's special possession, that ya'll may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness and into his wonderful light."

It is not just pastors, or evangelists, missionaries or profits who are called to serve as priests. All of us who are called by Christ to follow him, have been called to act as intermediaries between God and those who are yet to recognise or acknowledge him. It is every Christians task to declare the praises of Jesus who calls us out of the darkness and into the light. So how will you get to work doing that today?

PRAYER: Jesus, it is easy to forget, among the business and pressures of this life that you actually call me to be more than just my occupation, more that just a parent, or child, student or teacher. You call me and all Christians to be a priesthood, a group of people dedicated and set apart for you to act as your spokespersons in all the places that we live work and relax. Help me to live out that role each day. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle