
1 Peter 1:6

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9 November, 2022



1 PETER 1:6

In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.


For many of us, the word grief is often associated with death. While it is natural to grieve the passing of a loved one, grief is not always exclusive to death. It is also about loss, and this comes in many different forms, from financial or worldly losses to life-changing illness or injury, to estrangement to name just a few. 

Peter reminds us in today’s verse that it is normal for us to suffer grief in all kinds of trials while we are here on earth. However, our faith in Christ allows us to rejoice, as there is an inheritance being kept for us in heaven that can never perish, spoil or fade (v4). But why as Christians do we still have to face these trails of life? Paul goes on to explain in verse 7 ‘These [trials] have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith …. may result in praise, glory and honour when Jesus Christ is revealed.’ 

Are you facing a trail in your life right now? Are you suffering from grief? It can be easy to get caught up in our own problems and at times we let them take hold of us. May you be reminded today that the trials you face in this life are only temporary. May the Spirit help you overcome whatever you are facing, and turn that feeling of grief into praise, glory and honour for Jesus. Take heart in knowing that your amazing eternal inheritance is waiting for you!


Dear Lord, Please give me the endurance I need to get through the times of trial and grief in my life. Thank you that you are keeping an inheritance for me in heaven which gives me assurance that what I am facing on earth is only temporary. All praise, glory and honour goes to you Lord. Amen. 

Today's devotion written by Elysia McEwen, LifeWay Epping