
1 Peter 1:3

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11 January, 2024



1 PETER 1:3

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.


Many of us have experienced hard times. And during those times we all hope things will get better. Though financial crises, broken relationships, and terminal illnesses each tell a different story yet they share the same question: “Is there hope?” The answer is a definite yes. Through the resurrection of Jesus, the Lord has turned mourning into gladness and sorrow into joy. This gift has been received through our new birth into a living hope. Christians are privileged to live as God’s new creation. The newness we receive gives us the privilege to hope for even greater things. As strangers in the world, we live for the day of Christ’s return.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of life and hope. Give us strength to face each day, courage to walk your path, and hearts ready to meet Jesus.

Today's devotion written by Francis Leung, LifeWay Epping