
1 Peter 1:25

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6 September, 2022



1 PETER 1:25

BUT THE WORD OF THE LORD ENDURES FOREVER." And this is the word which was preached to you.


Everything in this world will pass away and change. It’s the same in every culture. Governments come and go. So do people. Even our bank balance goes up and down, but more down!  Putting our trust, our hope in the things of this world which won’t last, seems foolish.  But that’s what so many people do. Why not be wise and put your trust and hope in something that remains forever – God’s word.  Whatever happens, that is something we can count on in every situation.


Dear faithful and loving Father, thank you for giving us your living word. It helps us to know the truth, for through your words we know we are loved by you.  We pray that all the people around the world will come to know you, believe you and trust in your living word.  Amen.

Today's devotion by Pastor Khit Vibol, LifeWay Cambodia's Church plant and pastor.