
1 Peter 1:14-15

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23 April, 2023



1 PETER 1:14-15

As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance.  But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do;


Have you ever played ‘Follow the Leader’? The concept is fairly simple, one person is the leader and moves around the space, making funny movements with their body. Those who are following behind need to watch and perform the same movements as best they can. Jeremy, a children’s ski instructor, experienced an unintended consequence of this game. While leading a group of small ski students, who had been instructed to copy everything he did, in order to improve their skiing skills, he needed to adjust his goggles. As he reached up to his face to do this, his ski poles stuck out horizontally, up near his face. At this point he turned around and saw the long line of children sticking their poles out from beside their faces. They had followed the leader, despite not really knowing what or why they were doing it. They were obedient to their leader, the one guiding them. Sometimes obedience can feel like this for us too. We follow a holy Jesus, who calls us to be holy too. Sometimes we don’t fully understand the ‘why’ of what Jesus calls us to, but obedience doesn’t require us to fully understand, simply to follow. Our default of sin will always draw us to evil desires, however we don’t walk this path alone, we have a leader who guides us and shows us a better way. Our leader knows everything, and his Way is always perfect, so even if we don’t completely understand, we can trust Him. So, turn to Jesus, follow and listen to Him in obedience.


Jesus, thank you that you are holy and you call us to follow you. We acknowledge that fail to live lives that follow your holy way. Help us to follow you closely and accept your forgiveness when we turn to our own desires. Amen.

Today's devotion written by Monday Night LifeGroup, LifeWay Newcastle.