
1 John 2:4

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28 December, 2022



1 JOHN 2:4

Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him,


Buffets. Some people love them. You get to pick and choose what you want to eat. You take a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and a whole lot of that other thing. And you leave out what you don’t like. You end up with a variety of all the things you want! 

In the community John was writing to, there were some who were encouraging people to treat the Word of God like a spiritual buffet, picking and choosing the parts of the Christian life they wanted to follow, and leaving off their plates what didn’t look palatable. It’s tempting to do the same thing ourselves. To pile up our plates on the parts of God’s Word that are tasty and agree with our palate, while leaving off the selections that we are unsure of or haven’t developed a taste for yet.

John reminds us that obedience to God’s Word is our grateful response to the love and grace Christ has shown us. It’s a willingness and eager desire to eat the set menu before us, knowing that Christ will choose the finest foods that will bring great delight and have us asking for seconds. What parts of God’s Word have you not sampled yet? Don't forget to order your daily devotion book TIME OUT from to help you grow in living in the truth of Jesus


Lord God, thank you for inviting me to your table. Help me feast on your Word that I may grow strong in faith toward you and deep in my love for others. Amen.