
1 John 2:15

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29 December, 2022



1 JOHN 2:15

Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.


‘That’s the problem with Christianity today,’ the young man said with conviction, ‘It’s too black and white. No-one is going to buy in if they have to choose between one or the other.  Life just doesn’t work that way anymore.’ 

It’s a sentiment that many share. Our world doesn’t like either/or statements. A belief in Christ as the way, the truth and the only way to salvation is branded as exclusivism, intolerance or narrow-minded bigotry. But John insists that we need to make a choice. Who will we love most of all? Who will be our first priority and our final authority? We may want to love God, but when the credit card statements come in after Christmas and payments need to be made, what do we desire more? Life in Jesus or the cash to pay off the debt?

In love, God claims all of our lives. In grace, he satisfies our greatest needs. It’s an either/or decision.  Will you live to know God and his eternal love or will you live for this world and the temporary pleasures that will pass away? So today reflect on where in your life does love for God compete with love for the world?


Gracious Father, help me love you with all my heart, all my soul, all my mind and all my strength. Amen.