
1 John 2:1

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25 August, 2022



1 JOHN 2:1

My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.


I remember one time as a primary school student, I had an altercation with another boy from our class at lunchtime. Looking back now, I wish I had been more kind to that boy. I suspect he did not have a very pleasant home life, but regardless, on this specific day he was being particularly obnoxious and really hassling my friends and I out on the playground. I'm ashamed to say my temper got the better of me and I ended up shoving this kid away from me and my friends and pushing him onto the ground.

Obviously I did this just as the teacher on duty came around the corner and saw me doing it. She hadn't seen or heard any of what came before but she had seen me push a kid over and that was enough. It was only when my friends joined the conversation and advocated for me with the teacher that things began to get sorted out.

I didn't get into fights often, in fact that's the only one I ever remember having. I was generally a pretty good kid at school. but when I did get into trouble it was nicety have my friends there explaining the situation. That's why one of the ways I like to think of Jesus is as my friend. We should try to keep out of trouble, try not to sin, but when we do - Jesus is our friend who goes to the Father and intercedes on our behalf. What a friend we have in Jesus!


Jesus, please help me to remember that I am never really my own, that I always have you with me and that you stand in for me when I muck things up or get things wrong. Help me to be confident in stepping out faithfully into the plans God has for me, knowing that you will be there helping me, even if I fall or mess things up. Amen