
1 John 1:3

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28 January, 2024



1 JOHN 1:3

We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.


Every community is brought together by something. It may be as simple as geography, that is, people who live in the same town or city, but that alone would discount so many other wonderful communities that bond over other things. Sports teams (including their fans), special interest and hobby clubs, professional associations, and various online spaces can all be communities too. They all have something that draws people together.

For the church of God, that unifying factor is to be His love and grace towards us, his people. If our churches are going to effectively bear witness to what Jesus has done for us, it will only be when we make living and sharing the love of Jesus our main priority.

Funnily enough, debates over the finer points of contested teachings and doctrines are not what most people outside of our church communities are worried about or likely to be attracted to. It is the love and grace of Jesus, lived out amoung us, that will cause us to be a vibrant community that draws people into the love that Jesus first showed us.


Lord Jesus, we are your church, a community of your people. Help me to be a vibrant part of that community as you empower me to live and share your love in the world around me. Amen

Today’s devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle