
1 Corinthians 9:24

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12 May, 2023




“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize?  Run in such a way as to get the prize.”


I find this chapter somewhat harsh and I struggle to fully understand it.  The analogy of life being a race, we must run to win, must be in competition, must be focused, striking the target, taking mastery over our body and mind, lest we finish the race but lose the prize.  I feel like I have to beat myself into enthusiasm, push myself into striving, doing, doing, doing, being all things to all people to win them for the gospel.  

And yet, right now, I find myself in a place of slowness, of craving the need to just be, in expectancy of an uncertain future.  I must trust implicitly in the goodness of God for me and the years ahead, as I trust and give my heart, body, mind and soul again to him. 

Maybe sometimes its not about rushing ahead to beat the others for the prize,  maybe its about our attitude in the race.  Do  we see those running with us, who needs a hand, who need new sandshoes,  who need encouraging?  Are we running with others, or against others,  for God, or for ourselves?  What’s our  level of awareness?

Maybe we run differently at different times in our life, while always for and with God, and that is ok. 

PRAYER: Jesus, may our lives honour your love and calling to each one of us, may we run well, for you and with you, for others and with others, bringing others to the finishing line of your gospel. Amen

Today's devotion written by Barb Niczynski, LifeWay Illawarra