
1 Corinthians 9:10

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19 May, 2023




Or does he [God] not speak entirely for our sake? It was indeed written for our sake, for whoever plows should plow in hope and whoever threshes should thresh in hope of a share of the crop.


Have you ever asked yourself where your John 10:10 life is, you know the overflowing life?

Just to save time here is John 10:10 from the Amplified Bible; “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].”(AMP). So, again does this sound like your life, are you enjoying your Christian life? 

Today’s verse addresses this same question from a different perspective, to paraphrase if you’re putting the work into ‘living fully’ you should be sharing in the reward (Disclaimer: we don’t have to work for God’s acceptance, we already have that by grace!). We often read a passage like this and associate the ‘hope’ with a future hope, a hope in eternity, a hope for a reward in heaven when we die but the hope of the harvest is for a reward today, a hope for now, a John 10:10 present life.

The Apostle Paul was the author of this letter written to the Corinthians and Paul of all people new the hardships of being a follower of Jesus, he was shipwrecked at least 4 times, beaten, thrown in prison, despised and forsaken but he continues to talk about hope and joy within his letters.

I imagine Paul crawling out of the crashing waves on a beach after being shipwrecked with a smile on his face. Dusting the sand and seaweed off his tunic full of joy giving God thanks as he turns to his friend beside him and says ‘Isn’t this fun!?’.

PRAYER:  Heavenly Father, I give you thanks that my hope is a sure hope, a hope for today, a hope for now.   Amen.

Today's devotion written by Danny Brock, LifeWay Westside.