
1 Corinthians 1:26

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17 January, 2023




Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth.


I find writing job applications and sitting interviews difficult. In the application process you are presented with criteria or questions you need to answer proving your suitability for the job. I find it difficult to put into words and offer examples from my past that prove I am the right person for the job. Sometimes I am sure I would be able to do the job well, and yet I still struggle to explain to someone else why. Occasionally there is a question asked that I am not sure how to answer. This is especially stress inducing when it is done in the interview. I quickly search my brain for an example in my previous job of accomplishing that task, or how I handled that particular difficulty.

Why are you the right person for the job? Prove it to me, convince me.

Our walk with Jesus is nothing like this process, and thank goodness for that! If I were to sit down at a table with Jesus and list off my credentials for being a disciple, a representative of Jesus here on earth I know my mind would quickly fill with my shortcomings, and the times I have failed, the areas I fall short. But, as 1 Corinthians reminds us, Jesus isn’t looking for perfect, complete people, with all the right credentials. If He were He would find no-one. Instead, he uses imperfect people to do his perfect work. We can trust these words as truth because they are the only people he has ever used! Think about the famous characters of the bible; all of them flawed, all of the with their own shortcoming. So know, Jesus isn’t waiting for you to become a little bit more, a little bit better, before He will use you to speak to others through your life. He wants to come alongside you today, and show you the ways you can touch other’s lives with His love today!


Jesus, thank you that you use imperfect people like me to do your perfect work here on earth. Help me to trust that I am enough today. Would you use me to share your love, grace, forgiveness and hope with those around me today. Amen.

Today's devotion written by Elise von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle