
1 Chronicles 28:11-12

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13 December, 2023



1 CHRONICLES 28:11-12

Then David gave Solomon the plans for the Temple and its surroundings, including the entry room, the storerooms, the upstairs rooms, the inner rooms, and the inner sanctuary—which was the place of atonement. David also gave Solomon all the plans he had in mind for the courtyards of the Lord’s Temple, the outside rooms, the treasuries, and the rooms for the gifts dedicated to the Lord.


Sometimes the impossible advent-ure God is conceiving within our hearts already belongs to someone else…

Cross-cultural psychologists categorize cultures into two main types; individualistic culture and collectivist culture. Individualistic cultures stress the needs of the individual over the common good, whereas collectivist cultures emphasize the needs of the whole ahead of the needs of the individual.

I am sure most of us can guess where Australia falls in these dual cultural paradigms and its not collectivists. The COVID-19 toilet paper panic was a clear, if not an amusing, symptom of our individualistic culture in action.

In yesterday’s daily verses we read how King David lamented the fact that he couldn’t accomplish a dream of building the temple that was conceived in his heart and we briefly touched on the thought that David didn’t dwell in the lament but rather realised the unfulfilled conceived advent-ure was not about him. In today’s verses we read how David handed over the conceived advent-ure he had carried and owned for many years to someone else, his son Solomon.

If you continue reading down to verse 21 we see how David reminded Solomon that he would need other people to take ownership of the collective advent-ure in order to see it fulfilled. God’s conceived advent-ures are loaned to us for the good of the whole whether they begin with us or others.

PRAYER:  Mighty God, I thank you that we all have a role to play in your impossible advent-ure, as your word says some will sow and others will reap but we all get to participate in achieving your plan. Amen.

Today's devotion written by Danny Brock, LifeWay Westside