Galatians 4:6-7

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29 April, 2024




Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out Abba, Father. So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has also made you an heir.


A triumphant shout from the Spirit of God in our hearts is heaven’s affirmation of what had been written and proclaimed, we are all equal as members of God’s family, because Jesus was born and lived as a man, when he died he bore our sins and we were made right with God. We no longer need to slavishly follow the law, the demands of which we could never hope to fulfil. Now we can come to God praising him and thanking him and confessing our sins safe in the knowledge that he is a promise keeper and our sins are forgiven and to live with him forever is assured.                                                                                       

We can speak to God in  prayer knowing that our prayer will be heard, as we pray, not only for ourselves, but our fellow brothers and sisters also.  Use prayer at all times, it is another gift Jesus, by his death and resurrection has gained for us.

Prayer: Lord God, as the hymn begins, What a friend we have in Jesus, all our griefs and woes to bear, I thank you that I can come to you at any time or in any situation and tell you my concerns, forgive me if sometimes my faith isn’t strong enough or I simply forget and I don’t  pray to you first and think I can fix things. May your Holy Spirit remain in my heart and teach me your ways.  Amen

Today's devotion written by Maureen Macpherson, LifeWay Newcastle.