#2 in series: The Presence of Joy
READING: Philippians 3:1-21
Everyone does it…accentuates their achievements, embellishes their accomplishments. It’s called a resume. After all what sounds better? A Vermiculturist or a worm farmer! A check out operator or a customer service representative. Resumes are nothing more than a document that shows off all the things you have learnt, all the experiences you have had, and all the abilities that you have mastered. It’s about finding that edge that makes you stand out above everyone else. So where will you be when you get where you are going? When you have ticked the box of accomplishments in your life? Will joy be yours? There is only one thing that will enable you to keep on going when your resume doesn’t cut it or real fulfilment is elusive. Today we’ll explore what living with joy is all about.
But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.
Philippians 3:7-8
Every decision in life involves a cost-benefit analysis; weighing up the cost of investing in something verses the benefits you receive from that investment. There is only one thing that has ultimate value - it will cost all you are but you will gain everything you need - Jesus Christ. Go hard after him and living with joy will become a daily experience.
Name, may the joy of Jesus be with you. Amen.
#3 in series: The presence of Joy
BIBLE READING: Philippians 4:1-23
Memories. We all have a mixture of memories - some of great times, some of difficult times. Some of successes, others of regrets. Some we are proud of, others that fill us with shame. The memories that we choose to dwell on shape not only our view of the past but dominate our present and largely define our future. That's why Paul invites us to shape our imaginations – individually and collectively – around those things that are honourable, just, true, and commendable. He wants us to be inspired and transformed by what God is up to even in the worst of circumstances or experiences. Come and let God fill you with new memories as you live for joy in every moment.
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Philippians 4:4
Every day we fill our lives with many different things in an attempt to discover joy. Whatever you think about and fill your life with will flow from it. There is only one source that will fill you with contentment and peace and enable you to rejoice always and live for joy in all situations. It's Jesus. Fill your life with him and the joy will flow out abundantly.
1. What is your favourite memory of the last year - personally, in the Church community and what emotions are attached to that?
2. What three things do you find that you are always thinking about or stressing about?
3. What would help you in living for joy in those stressful times?
# 1 in series: The Presence of Joy
Philippians 1:1-2:18
Everyone longs for joy and happiness in life. Yet sometimes our daily circumstances seem to conspire to rob us of joy. Maybe you feel boxed in, trapped or like life’s thread is quickly unravelling and in danger of snapping. Paul’s life was just like that and yet the joy that oozes from his life is surprising, mind boggling and even infectious. So where does that joy come from? Is it possible even when life is painful or full of suffering. Paul’s answer is unequivocally ‘yes”. The presence of joy is not only possible but real. So today we will discover and taste Paul’s recipe for ‘Living in Joy’.
For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21
What you don’t have is always much less than what you do!
Living in joy comes from living in Christ.
For in Christ joy is complete, whatever the circumstances.
1. On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being Not at All and 10 being Absolutely
How much are you enjoying life at this present time. Explain.
2. What is a time in your life, where you experienced overwhelming joy?
3. Fill in the blank. If I had _______, I would experience joy