
A Song of Despair

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8 December, 2019Pastor Mark SchultzA Christmas Playlist

You know those tunes that get stuck in your head and you just can’t shake them. Maybe it is an ad jingle, a song you heard on the radio, some musical hiccup from your memory, something the kids practiced on their instrument but it’s stuck and it isn’t going anywhere except around and around in your head. Life often has its own playlist. Sometimes you “whistle while you work” Sometimes it’s a song of sadness or despair, of frustration and futility. Try as you might you just can’t seem to shake it and that tune persists, setting the tone for all you are and all you do. Between now and the end of the Christmas season, we’ll invite Jesus to rewrite the music for our lives. Instead of the same old songs stuck on repeat, we’ll allow Jesus to write us into ‘A Christmas Playlist’ and be swept into a song of hope for all eternity. Today we will explore what happens when we are stuck in a Song of Despair.  


 How can we sing the songs of the Lord

  while in a foreign land? Psalm 137:4


   When disappointment, disillusionment or despair sets in or the song has stopped in your life, don't give up. God has not forgotten you. He comes to save you and fill your life with a peaceful tune that ignites hope and anticipation.


1.  'All I want for Christmas is...' Complete the sentence

2.  As we edge closer to Christmas, what is the song playing in your heart? Is it joyful or in a minor key, full of promise or full of despair? Share. 

Bible Reading

By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept

    when we remembered Zion.

There on the poplars

    we hung our harps,

for there our captors asked us for songs,

    our tormentors demanded songs of joy;

    they said, “Sing us one of the songs of Zion!”

How can we sing the songs of the Lord

    while in a foreign land?

If I forget you, Jerusalem,

    may my right hand forget its skill.

May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth

    if I do not remember you,

if I do not consider Jerusalem

    my highest joy.

Remember, Lord, what the Edomites did

    on the day Jerusalem fell.

“Tear it down,” they cried,

    “tear it down to its foundations!”

Daughter Babylon, doomed to destruction,

    happy is the one who repays you

    according to what you have done to us.

Happy is the one who seizes your infants

    and dashes them against the rocks.

More from 'A Christmas Playlist'

A Song for Eternity

29 December, 2019 Pastor Mark Schultz

What’s been on your Playlist for 2019? What new tunes have you discovered? What old favourites have you fallen back in love with? What was the song that you replayed most? How does your playlist mirror the events, the emotions, the journey of the past year or anticipate the approaching new year? Our musical tastes and preferences are intensely personal and incredibly subjective. Today Simeon shares the song whose tune is timeless, and whose lyrics give meaning to every generation, regardless of culture, nationality, preference or personality. It’s a song for eternity and we pray it may become a personal favourite for you too.

#6 and final in series: A Christmas Playlist


“Sovereign Lord, now let your servant die in peace, as you have promised I have seen your salvation which you have prepared for all people. Luke 2:29-31


Only when you are ready to die, are you ready to live. Without fear or regrets. When you are secure in the salvation and peace that the Christ-child gives, you're ready to live on the edge - loving fully, forgiving freely, sharing boldly and risking confidently. Christ gives you the strength to really go in 2020!


1. What was your high and low of 2019?

2. If there is one more thing you could do before you die, what would it be?

3. In what area of your life or faith, do you need more confidence as you step into 2020?


A Song of Life

25 December, 2019 Pastor Mark Schultz

Whether it's Spotify, Apple Music or Google Play Music, streaming services have changed the way we listen to and download music. Not only do they allow us to bop away to our favourite tunes on demand but they will quickly start to influence your listening by recommending new music to add to your playlist. But not all music streaming services will deliver what they promise. The same is true of life. The world claims to own all the best tunes, promising it knows what will bring music to our ears and joy to our lives. But the God who wrote the first song in creation knows the songs that will repeat the sounding joy over and over again. It's a song of life like no other.

#5 in series: Christmas Playlist


The Word gave life to everything that was created,

and his life brought light to everyone. John 1:4 NLT


In the cry of his Son, Jesus, born in a manger, God gives you the gift of free access, on demand, to the only playlist that knows the right song to breathe life into every moment It transforms any situation into a song that glorifies God and brings life and beauty to others.


A Song of Joy

24 December, 2019 Pastor Mark Schultz

Christmas Eve Service


A Song of Hope

22 December, 2019 Pastor Mark Simpfendorfer

Songs of Protest. Every revolution has them. Songs of solidarity that unite and inspire people to take action. Just the singing of these songs is considered a revolutionary act! Today we add to our playlist a song that Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German pastor and theologian called, “the most passionate, the wildest, one might even say the most revolutionary Advent hymn ever sung.” Sung by a young, pregnant and unwed girl, this provocative song of hope by Mary, the mother of Jesus proclaims a revolution that is still turning the values, priorities and activities of the world upside down centuries after it was first sung. Today you are invited to join the revolution - a revolution of love – and add your voice to a song of hope that will continue to change and transform the world one life at a time.



My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. Luke 1:46b-48a


Hope is a future certainty anchored in the reality of God’s present-tense grace. God has and is changing the world. When you, like Mary, allow yourself to be caught up in that plan, it will revolutionise the way you think, the way you act and the way you live, giving voice to a song of hope on your lips.


1. What has been the greatest revolution in your time?

2. How has the love of Jesus revolutionised your life?

3. How can we still be revolutionaries today in the world?


A Song of Promise

15 December, 2019 Pastor Mark Schultz

Everybody the car in the shower, along with ads on TV...wandering around the house doing odd jobs…on the job? Sometimes life has its own tune... maybe it’s a song of despair as we looked at last week. But sometimes it is a melody of expectation. A song that sings toward something new - a promise a pledge a commitment just waiting to be fulfilled. Young children know that sort of song when the tree goes up in the lounge room; there’s a promise just waiting to be kept. But when the promise is long in coming or seemingly forgotten, it can be hard to believe the promise even if it is right in front of our faces. This week we get to sing with a vocalist named Zechariah, who has been waiting so long he’s almost forgotten how to sing, but when the promise is kept and the expectation fulfilled you can hear his song across the centuries. Today you are invited to join in singing and experience the joy that this song of promise brings.

#2 in series: Christmas Playlist


“Praise the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has visited and redeemed his people" Luke 1:68 NLT


God has visited this world and what he promises is so much beyond human ability that it is almost unbelievable. But don't underestimate what the grace and love of God can do. For when you are willing to enter into and believe God's Word, the promise will become true for you too and fill your lips with a joyful song for eternity.


1. What song do you find yourself singing/humming most at this time? Why is that?

2. What makes it hard for you to believe the promises of God?


Tune into Christmas

1 December, 2019 Children's Presentation

In the rhythm of life, sometimes we find ourselves out of tune...ever heard a violinist or trumpeter play out of tune? Ever heard someone sing out of tune? Though the note or the voice out of tune was still making music, it was just a little “off”. The ear would tell you something wasn’t quite right. When we think of Christmas, we think of family, joy, peace, love and hope but sometimes in the busyness of this season, what we hear and experience is not music to our ears. So today as we begin our season of preparation, we tune into Christmas and remember what Christmas is really all about.

#1 in series: A Christmas Playlist


But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Luke 2:10-12


Whenever life is out of tune

At the manger there's always room

To kneel before Christ the King

Who gives a tuneful song to sing.


1. What was your high and low from last week?

2. What do you most look forward to at Christmas time?

3. What is your favourite Christmas carol and why?

4. What about Christmas is always out of tune for you?

5. What things can you do to better tune into the real reason for Christmas"
