
Faith Formed Worship

2 August, 2020 Pastor Mark Schultz

Five months ago, the world went into freefall in a major way. All the idols we had built, all the things we relied on, all our plans for the future were thrown into disarray when COVID-19 hit. Sport was cancelled. Financial markets crashed. Travel was curtailed. Social activities were halted. Freedoms were restricted and churches shut their doors. The world went into panic. But worship remained. Faith formed worship is a gift that God gives to press reset on our lives - to recalibrate, refocus, re-imagine and reset our perspective , our priorities and our purpose - and restore us to God's original intention for our lives. It centres, shapes and transforms our lives daily to rise above every confusing and challenging situation and live for that which has ultimate value - the praise and glory of God. Today as we re-gather in person for the first time, we press reset again and experience the blessing of faith formed worship

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Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let them say among the nations, “The Lord reigns!” 1 Chronicles 16:31


Faith formed worship is a daily reset button for our thoughts, emotions, desires and actions. It enables our minds to imagine creatively, our lives to inspire continuously, our love to flow extravagantly and our hearts to trust securely.


What “idol of the nation” do you have a tendency to praise, value, and esteem? How have you seen it affecting your God-given purpose in life?


Faith Formed Relationships

26 July, 2020 Pastor Mark Schultz

It was a spectacle that was filled with awe and wonder. Fifteen dolphins, riding down waves in perfect formation, mirroring each other's moves, working as a team, living life together, speaking one another's language. If you are a dolphin, your community is vital. You rely on them for companionship and fun, for protection and provision. Scientists have found that these synchronized actions and interactive relationships can lead to bonding, close cooperation and even reduce stress. If it is that way for dolphins, how much more for humans. God has created us for relationships. We are formed to be engaged in the lives of others. We are shaped to relate, share and care for others, especially in Christian community. To be isolated for any reason for any extended period of time causes a person to lose touch with reality -you suffer physically and emotionally. To be isolated from the Christian community damages your spirit - you lose touch with the reality of the Father’s love and your neighbour’s need. The results are disastrous; your soul begins to wither and harden. The longer the separation the more lasting the damage. That's why faith formed relationships are vital to our ongoing health and vitality in life. The Holy Spirit uses these relationships to transform and shape us in God's image and reveal the power of God's love in us and through us to the world. Only in faith formed relationships do we find life in its fullest and a joy that never ends.

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“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35


Lives connected by the unbreakable bond of Jesus’ love…

Lives united by the eternal power of the Spirit…

Hearts transformed together and living in sync with the Father's will…

are God's living billboard of grace to the world that draws others more closely to fullness of life in Jesus Christ.


Faith Formed Listening

19 July, 2020 Pastor Mat von Stanke

35,000 – that’s a big number. 35,000 No it's not the number of new COVID cases in Victoria this week, or the businesses that closed in NSW over the last 4 months. It's not even the number of people allowed to go to an NRL match this past weekend. It’s the number of choices scientists say the average adult makes in a day: 35,000. From the mundane – what to wear or have for breakfast - to the infinitely more complex and life-altering – when to merge into busy traffic, treatment or care options, vocation, spouse, parenting, home-buying. Every choice shapes or forms our life either leading to peace and contentment or second guessing and regret. Who or what are you listening to in the choices you make and how is that affecting your life, your relationships, your emotions and your future? Today we explore faith-formed listening - a posture that leads to life in its fullest and a joy that never ends.

#2 in series: Faith Formed

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You make known to me the path of life;

in your presence there is fullness of joy;

at your right hand are pleasures forevermore Psalm 16:11


Only one thing is needed in life - a relationship with Jesus. Time in his presence and listening to his Word will direct your life, shape your mind, form your attitudes, fuel your emotions and inspire your actions, bringing peace, contentment and joy in every choice.


1. In the choices you are making at the moment, how much of it is guided by listening to God's Word?


Faith Formed Prayer

12 July, 2020 Pastor Mark Simpfendorfer

'“Hotspots” – they are places of exceptional connection or reception or as we are discovering in Melbourne at this time, places of increased transmission. What if you could become a “hotspot” for the gospel? What would make your life exceptionally connected or receptive to God’s working in your world or increase your capacity to transmit the good news of Jesus to someone else? Discipleship is an intentional journey in grace where we seek to walk Jesus’ way and become more like him each day. The behaviours of faith: prayer, reading the Bible, relating to & serving others, and generosity are more than just rote rituals, but are shaped by the depth of love we have received & the breadth of trust we offer in return. The practice of these behaviours is how the Holy Spirit transforms you into a “hotspot” for the gospel. Faith formed prayer opens your life not to more “answers” from God but more intimacy with him and more obedience in return. As Jesus prayed and immediately turned his life to the Father’s will, you too become more aligned with God’s work in this world through you. We’ll explore and experience Faith Formed Prayer today.

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“This, then, is how you should pray:

“‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,

10 your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:9b-10


Prayer brings us into the presence of a loving Father who aligns us with his will and involves us in his life-shaping purposes. There is nothing more important, dangerous, or strengthening than prayer. For it is both life forming and life transforming.


From Bitterness to Blessing Part 4

5 July, 2020 Pastor Mat von Stanke

'There's a plan in everything, and I love it when a plan comes together.' So said Colonel John “Hannibal” Smith, a fictional television and movie character in the 'A Team'. Throughout the book of Ruth, a rescue mission has been underway, Lives were at risk. Names will be lost. But God was putting together a local rescue effort that would be crucial in his global rescue operation to save the world he loves. We'll explore that today as we conclude the story of Ruth and see God bring blessing from bitterness and fulfilment from emptiness; it's a story of loving kindness that is repeated in your life and then continues through you.

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“Praise be to the Lord, who this day has not left you without a guardian-redeemer. Ruth 4:14a


It takes a child to renew a life, to open the future and join past and future together to make sense of the present. That child is Jesus and he alone can transform bitterness to blessing and emptiness to fulfilment in your life. He invites you to be part of his Kingdom plan coming together for the world, to reclaim and bring blessing to every lost, bitter and empty life.


1. How might God be using you to rescue and bring his redeeming grace to others?


From Bitterness to Blessing Part 3

28 June, 2020 Pastor Mark Schultz

“Swipe right.” In the code language of dating apps, that means “I’m interested!” or “I approve”. It’s the preferred mode of putting yourself out there for many Australians wanting to look for a partner, a relationship, fulfilment in life. It requires vulnerability, an openness to the future and hopefulness rather than despair. There’s a whole lot of swiping right in Ruth 3 as we see the mood change, hopefulness return, and the willingness to be vulnerable in order to receive the greatest promise and blessing of all - Redemption; a new beginning and a new future. We’ll experience that same ‘Sweetness of Redemption” today!

#3 in series: The Sweetness of Redemption - From Bitterness to Blessing

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“But if he is not willing, as surely as the Lord lives I will do it.” Ruth 3:13c


Jesus is willing to redeem, protect and clothe with righteousness all who are willing to lay their lives at his feet.


1. In your current circumstances, in what part of your life has God been teaching you to risk more?


From Bitterness to Blessing Part 2

21 June, 2020 Pastor Mark Schultz

Filthy Rich & Homeless – it’s a televised social experiment where some wealthy people give up their luxury cars, expensive clothes and big safe secure mansions to live for 10 days among the homeless. While it opens eyes/hearts/wallets on behalf of the homeless among us; for the well-heeled “reality” participants, it’s a short-term gig. They eventually go back to where they came from…high-paying work, expansive lifestyles, filthy rich & privileged. But for Ruth & Naomi, there was no such luxury. Every day was a new risk. Every day was a struggle to find food, shelter, and safety. Every day their future was a wager between life and death. But every day was also a new opportunity in God’s grace. That’s what we’ll discover today – an extravagant kindness shown to us in the most desperate times that brings fullness from our desolation and blessing from our bitterness

#2 in series: The Sweetness of Redemption

Read this Week's Bulletin here

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“Why have I found such favour in your eyes that you notice me—a foreigner?” Ruth 2:10


Grace is restorative. Every act of grace in community, brings people to an awareness and experience of the blessing of God.


From Bitterness to Blessing Part 1

14 June, 2020 Pastor Mark Schultz

Sometimes every hope is destroyed, every dream shattered and every plan is crushed. Sometimes life goes to ruin in an instant. Sometimes we walk away from the very blessings before us. But in those moments when you wonder if God has forgotten you or even intentionally stepped on your heart, God has not left you to crumble on your own. He is still holding you, leading you, working in you for his glory. In the very worst of times, we discover the mystery of God’s mercy at work to bring fullness from our desolation and blessing from our bitterness. We’ll explore that together and over the next 4 weeks as we experience the ‘Sweetness of Redemption’ from the book of Ruth as God leads us from Bitterness to Blessing.

Part 1 of series in the Book of Ruth: Sweetness of Redemption

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Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Ruth 1:16


Even in the midst of dark, difficult, and chaotic times, God is with us; working behind the scenes in the lives of his people to bring redemption, blessing and joy.


Hold On

7 June, 2020 Pastor Mark Schultz

Sleepless nights. Tossing and turning. Endless going over the playbook of what could be or not be or which direction to go or not go. Feeling raw, vulnerable. In tears. Begging for clarity…answers…peace. Sound familiar? All of these are signs that you’ve been in a wrestling match. It can be a struggle, uncomfortable and incredibly painful. But don’t give up. In the struggle, there is growth. In the wrestling, there is blessing. In weakness, there is real power.That’s what Jacob discovered and we pray, you will also discover today as we hold on and never let go.

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But Jacob replied, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” Genesis 32:26


There is blessing in the wrestling. Hold on to Jesus and don't ever let go, for you may just end the night with a renewed faith and as the sun rises, find yourself a transformed person!
