
Life beyond Politics

2 May, 2021 Pastor Mark Schultz

Aristotle once said, "Man is by nature a political animal.' Wherever there is an opinion, there are politics. Whenever two people get together there are politics. Wherever there is an agenda, there are politics. Wherever there is power, there is politics. It crosses into every sector of life - Government (Left/Right. Liberal/Labour/Green/Independent, Federal/State), the Church (Liberal/Conservative), Workplaces (Management/Workers), Communities (North Shore/Inner City/West). Sports clubs. Families. Life, as the world presents, is highly political and full of power plays where our attitudes and beliefs are closely tied up with our most basic human needs - safety, belonging, identity, self-esteem and purpose, and where keeping up appearances is sometimes seen to be more important than substance. Today Jesus reveals a life beyond politics that is full of substance and purpose, gives security and identity and creates belonging and worth and gives power for everday living.

#4 in series: Life Pulse


Life Beyond Addiction

25 April, 2021 Pastor Mark Schultz

It's been said that "insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.' That sounds a lot like addiction doesn't it - repeatedly doing something that self-reinforces patterns of behaviour, despite harmful consequences. We become addicted to ourselves and our wants or our prized purposes. We’re slaves to the things that bother us and break our heart. We’re in bondage to keeping our kids happy, or the device, or our work, our pride, our sense of entitlement or our feeling of being a victim. Addiction can happen to anyone…anytime. Deep down, all of us desire to live. We crave freedom to be truly alive, truly loved, truly accepted, truly secure and truly known. Jesus knows that desire for life and freedom; he also knows how easy it is to give our life over to things that steal, kill and destroy the very life we seek. But in Christ we are given a freedom and fullness of life beyond addiction that releases his best in us and releases us for his purposes in this world. He comes to bring the broken, stolen and dead parts of us back to life and restore in us a fullness of life that nothing on earth can match, and which nothing can take away. Today Jesus offers us true freedom and fullness of life beyond addiction.

#3 in series: Life Pulse


Life beyond Tolerance

18 April, 2021 Pastor Mark Simpfendorfer

Tolerance. In its original meaning, to be tolerant meant to 'endure' something. To endure views and opinions you may disagree with but to debate and reason with empathy for each other, to discover and discern truth. But in a post-truth era, tolerance has segued into meanings of acceptance and approval, where all lifestyles, viewpoints, and values are to be accepted and affirmed as equal. It has led to a non-judgmental indifference - a "be nice" and "do what you like" attitude because truth is seen as fluid, flexible and relative. It's ironic, that in an age calling for tolerance, we have become a society that is deeply intolerant - where legislation has to be passed on "hate speech", where "cancel culture" instils fear and removes freedom of opinion or contrary ideas and 'zero tolerance' policies have had to be implemented across all sectors of society. In a changing world where truth is a moving reality, Jesus gives us a fixed, reliable, dependable and universal truth about ourselves, our lives and the eternal life he freely offers. It's a way, a truth and a life that enables us not just to 'endure' others, but to live with true love for all, true hope in every circumstance and true grace that transforms the fear and uncertainty of this world. We'll explore a life beyond tolerance today.

#2 in series: Life Pulse


Life Beyond Suffering

11 April, 2021 Pastor Mark Schultz

We were not created to live stagnant lives. To be stuck, bound or broken. We were created with a pulse, to be fully alive with a single-minded purpose, a holy calling, a clear mandate and an explicit mission. Even in times that are uncertain, chaotic or incomprehensible, this calling remains. That’s relatively easy when life is good, but what happens when suffering hits, or circumstances cause our heart rate to elevate, our anxiety levels to go through the roof, and we can no longer cope with the stress and distress that confront us? Jesus has some encouraging words for his disciples that not only redefines their circumstance and renews their strength, but reorients their hearts to a joy that is always life-giving and always life sustaining. It doesn’t take away the suffering, the pain or the anxiety, but it gives a framework that enables us to respond to suffering wth joy, embrace hardship with hope and overcome all things in the strength of the risen Christ. We’ll explore and experience that today as we embrace life beyond suffering.

#1 in series: Life Pulse


The Flipside of Life

4 April, 2021 Pastor Mark Schultz

Out of battery – No more memory – We can’t afford it – I don’t have time…Much of contemporary life is defined by limits…by scarcity…by what we don’t have. We say “Enjoy it while it lasts”, knowing that all good things come to an end. So we sleep. We eat. We work and we repeat the cycle over and over again. But getting by, treading water until we no longer can, merely existing is not the life we were created for, redeemed for, and raised for. Easter Sunday tells us that there is more life than we can ever imagine. The heart of Easter is not about an empty tomb, but about the fullness of life the risen Christ gives, guarantees, and make come alive in us. Christ is raised not just from the dead, he is raised to life so we can be alive with the fullness of his life. So today we experience the flipside of life…life in abundance that overflows with unbounded joy, unlimited hope, & unending love. It’s a gift that you receive today, tomorrow, and the next day after…all because Christ is risen from the dead.

#4 in series: The Flipside of Easter


The Flipside of Death

2 April, 2021

Death. It's the inevitable that we want to avoid. From anti-aging creams to efforts to download a person’s brain so he or she can continue to live virtually, to cryonics, the practice of freezing and storing bodies or body parts in the hope that future scientists will thaw them and bring them back to life. We are obsessed with health fads like activity trackers and crash diets. We love the idea of a pill that will extend our vitality. Many are waiting in anticipation for the vaccination to be rolled out as a protection against death by virus, so life can resume more normally. For the flipside of death is life...and that is a far more compelling option. But there's a problem. For no matter what medical advances are made, no matter how much we try to avoid it, death comes…to hopes…to plans…to relationships…to you. But Good Friday reveals the true flipside of death. That hope is reborn. Dreaming is possible. Plans can be made. Relationships are restored. Hearts are renewed. Love wins and eternal life is real. All because the flipside of Jesus' death is life to all who receive it, believe it and live in it.

#3 in series: The Flipside of Easter


The Flipside of Love

1 April, 2021 Pastor Mat von Stanke's what we see as the Flipside of love. It's a word that burns deep. You don’t expect to get undercut, undermined, blindsided or betrayed by someone you trust. Someone you love. It’s cruel. It wounds. “On the night he was betrayed…” God in the flesh, was betrayed at the hands of one of his closest companions. Jesus was not only sold out by one who was supposed to support him and stand up for him, but abandoned and denied by those who knew him intimately. Jesus knows who. He knows when. He knows why. In a different time, different place, or under different circumstances, it could be anyone who has been handed the bread of Jesus’ life. That includes you and me. But for Jesus, the flipside of love is not betrayal, but something far stronger, that gives all those who betray, abandon and deny, a place at his table. It's called grace. And that's what we receive again this day.

#2 in series: The Flipside of Easter


The Flipside of Power

28 March, 2021 Pastor Mark Schultz

The impact of power. It's been plastered over our television screens over recent weeks. The raw and destructive power of storms, winds, and floods, sweeping up and destroying everything in its path. The abusive and coercive use of power in workplaces and institutions. The violent and corruptive use of power by government and military groups globally. Human nature finds power unavoidably addictive and more often than not, its impact leaves nations and lives broken, torn apart, and destroyed. But when Jesus enters Jerusalem to the shouts and accolades of the crowds we witness and experience the “flipside” of power…power that restores, rebuilds, forgives, heals and blesses. Jesus didn’t grasp for power; he challenged the powerful, the privileged & the proud so that all people could receive the power and presence of God. He flips our world until it is right…in relationship with the Father…responsive to his love…embraced in his death & rejoicing in his life.

#1 in Holy Week Series: The Flipside of Easter


Less Ambition...More Submission

21 March, 2021 Pastor Mark Schultz

“Are we there yet?” It’s not just a question that children ask their parents on a long journey. It’s a question that many ask in life. Have we arrived? Have we fulfilled our goals? Scaled the heights of our ambitions? Reached the pinnacle of our aspirations? We all have an instinctual motivation to aspire to greater things, to make something happen or to have an impact through our life. Ambition by itself is neither good or bad. But today as we continue a journey of deliberate discipleship, Jesus challenges the inner motivations that drive our ambition. He leads us on a path that is relationship driven rather than results driven; a way that transforms our motivations into a life that reveals his glory and makes a powerful impact for eternity. Less ambition...more submission. Are you there yet?

#6 in series: Addition by Subtraction
