I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
“The greatest tragedy is not death, but a life without purpose.” Pastor Rick Warren
St. Paul has given his life to bringing the gentiles (you and me) into the inheritance of the children of Israel; to graft us into the vine that is Christ Jesus, as St. John says. As much as this causes Paul suffering and pain from persecution, his ‘voice’ in Ephesians sounds exalted as he prays for the Ephesians and, by extension therefore, for us.
If your life feels without purpose, then you may also lack meaning and passion and a life without these is cold, empty, listless and without lasting joy. Read his prayer again and imagine a life for yourself that grasps the enormity of God’s love for you, his presence in you, and the Holy Spirit working God’s greatness for human unity and wellbeing (shalom) through you and all God’s people.
Prayer: Holy Spirit, reveal to me the enormity of God’s love for me. Holy Spirit reveal to me the enormity of God’s love for my neighbour. Come Holy Spirit and enliven me once more with the love of God. Amen.
Also in Judah the hand of God was on the people to give them unity of mind to carry out what the king and his officials had ordered, following the word of the Lord.
I wonder if you ever saw the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"? There is a line in that movie which is spoken by the Greek mother to her daughter in response to her father's frustrated words "I am the head of this house!" If you have seen the movie perhaps you remember the mothers response, "your father may be the head, but I am the neck and I can make the head turn whichever way I want."
I think that 'the hand of God' mentioned in today's reading is a bit like that. The problem is that there are a lot of things in this world wanting to "lay their hands on us". Something or someone who lays hands on you has a certain amount of control over where your attention is focussed. It's why we have children hold our hands as we cross the road, it focussed their attention on us as we lead them through the dangerous traffic.
God is always ready and willing to lay his hand on us and lead us towards his purposes, but he also gives us freedom to wriggle out from his grasp and choose to let other things lead us in different directions. I guess the question for each of us today is 'whose hand is guiding you at the moment and what purpose is that hand leading you to'?
Lord, help me to take hold of your hand today. May you always be the one who sets my feet upon the right paths and who leads my towards your purpose. Help me to resist those things that seek to lead me astray, in Jesus name, Amen
Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle
I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.
The words of today's reading are part of a prayer Jesus prayed just before his arrest and crucifixion, and they are some of my favourite verses of the Bible.
Earlier in the prayer Jesus prays these words, "Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name so that they may be one as we are one."
Just let that sink in for a moment. Jesus' prayer for his disciples and for us, is that we would have the same unity between us as each part of the triune Godhead. That we might be as one, just like Jesus and God are one! Just like God and the Holy Spirit are one! Just like Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one! That's the kind of 'one-ness' that Jesus wants for his church and for all those who follow him.
How do you think we are going at that as God's people? How do you think you are going at that as one who claims to follow Jesus?
As Jesus himself said in today's verse, it is only in our complete unity that the world will know that Jesus is Lord and that God loves us just as He loved Jesus.
Lord Jesus, today I join my prayer with yours and pray for unity among your people, the church. Help us to lay aside any power playing or politics, help us to stop seeking ways to push our own agendas, and instead be united with you in the same way you are one with the Father and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forever. Amen
Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle.
Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
Maybe I'm showing my age a bit today by this next comment, but I can still remember a time when people used to be able to disagree without having to become mortal enemies; a time when people could have a discussion from different perspectives on an issue without resorting to personal attacks and seeking to hurt each other.
In his letter to the Christians in Ephesus, Paul acknowledges that there will be differences among us, among any community made up of diverse people. However, he gives us two tasks on which to focus.
Firstly to keep the unity of the Spirit. This is essentially putting aside my own agenda and taking up the purpose and call of the Holy Spirit of God first and foremost. When each of us do this effectively, then we become united in purpose and focus. Secondly, We are to seek to maintain a bond of peace. This simply means when differences do come up between us, we do not need to immediately go on the offensive and seek to destroy any opposition to our way of thinking. Rather we should continue to love and respect one another as Children of God and seek to maintain positive relationships and open communication.
Remember, in the Kingdom of Heaven power and strength are not what wins they day, rather sacrificial service and love for others is the most powerful weapon we have.
Lord Jesus, continue to renew me and your church around the world by the presence of the Holy Spirit. Draw us closer to you so that we might more accurately reflect and transmit your presence to the world. Amen
Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle
How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!
Yesterday, arguably the biggest sporting event in America played itself out, the Super Bowl. I know it might be a foreign game to a lot of us here in Australia but one of the things that I find interesting about it is the very specialised and specific roles each player on the team has to carry out every time a play is made. In fact an entirely different set of players takes the field when the ball is turned over and a team starts playing defence instead of offence.
Sometimes I think we misunderstand unity with uniformity. An NFL team playing in the Super Bowl, or an AFL playing in a grand final contain numerous players who all have an individual role or contribution to make to the team. Their unity comes from their common purpose, to win games and take hoe the premiership trophy or a Super Bowl ring.
God has made us all with unique gifts, talents and abilities - we are not uniform - we are different, yet the purpose or goal God has given all of us as his children is to bring the good news of Jesus to those who have not yet heard it. As long as we are all making a contribution to the team towards that goal, then it is a beautiful and pleasant thing when we live together in unity of purpose.
Lord God, So often your people don't see eye to eye, we disagree and argue and often hurt each other. Help me to keep your purpose as my focus and to work together with others to see your kingdom come here on earth as it is in heaven. Amen
Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle
“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
I've been thinking about light a lot this week. Light is in fact the antidote to darkness. Unfortunately, what seems to be the predominant approach to getting rid of darkness in our culture today is to 'fight fire with fire' or to fight darkness with darkness.
What I mean by that is that our society seems to be operating in the understanding that is someone or something offends me or challenges my understanding of the world, or even my understanding of God's word, then my response should be one of aggression, that if I have my claims or assertions about the world questioned then I have the right to come out swinging.
That's not how Jesus did things and it's not how he calls us to do things. We are to shine the light of his love in the face of darkness because it is the perfect love of Christ that drives out all fear and darkness. It will often be hard to show love when we feel attacked or oppressed by those wielding power or authority over us, or when we have been hurt or injured by those we thought we might be able to trust. But Jesus love drove him to the cross and was placed on a hill for all to see. Surely whatever burden or cost there might be for us to stand on a hill and shine that light is insignificant to the cost Jesus paid for us.
You are the light of the world, Let your light shine for all to see.
Lord Jesus, no greater love has any man shown that the love you showed in laying down your life for me. Please help me to show and shine the light of that love in my life and not to let the darkness of this world lead me to hide it way. Use me and my life to drive out darkness by the light of your love which is alive in me. Amen
They came back to Moses and Aaron and the whole Israelite community at Kadesh in the Desert of Paran.There they reported to them and to the whole assembly and showed them the fruit of the land.
My kids love fruit, especially during somer when the stone fruit is in season. I remember earlier this year coming home with a couple of R2E2 mangoes which we particularly large and all three of our children couldn't believe the size of these beautiful summer fruit. One of them wanted to know, "where do they grow these". Now he didn't say as much, but it was not hard to see the thought behind his unbelieving eyes, that he would love to go to the place these mangoes were grown and see it for himself.
In today's reading, God's people are standing at the front gate of the promised land. They have before them the evidence that the land is bountiful and produces good crops, Just as God had promised. All they have to do is march into the land and take possession of everything God had promised to their ancestors; everything that God said that he would give to them.
We are in the same situation today. Jesus has sent us with his authority to proclaim the good news of his resurrection to all the world. All we have to do is step out in that authority and boldly take ground for his kingdom, by proclaiming He is Risen!!!
Lord Jesus, May I grow in my faith and trust that you will always deliver on your promises; promises to never leave or forsake me, to lead and to guide me and to prepare for me a place in the Fathers house. Amen
This man [Jesus] was handed over to you by God’s deliberate plan and foreknowledge; and you, with the help of wicked men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross.
There are a few biblical sporting jokes. Here’s one that fits the above text.
Where was cricket played in the Bible? When Peter stood up and was bold (bowled).
In Acts, Peter is certainly not the Peter we knew before Jesus rose. He is boldly addressing those who have commented that the disciples were drunk. In a way they were – but with the Holy Spirit!
Peter addresses the crowd, and tells them off. They are strong accusing words ‘you…put him to death by nailing him to the cross…’
That is a bold move, but he is telling the truth…in love. He continues to refer to the listeners as ‘brothers’, but then he gives them, and us, the good news. God raised him up. Jesus is no longer dead. He is no longer buried. This means we have freedom. This means we are allowed to be bold. This means we are given the opportunity to tell the world that Jesus is alive and well and working in our lives – whether you realise or not. May your lives reflect what Jesus has achieved for us.
Living Lord, we’re not always good at telling others about you. Give us the strength and boldness to live our lives as your children, and when we have the opportunity to tell others, give us the words to use. Amen
Today's devotion written by Mark Simpfendorfer, LifeWay Epping
In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:
Mindset. It’s one of those buzzwords around at the moment. If you have the same mindset as Jesus, does it work?
There is a book entitled ‘Christ Centred Mindfulness’ (you know where to get a copy!), and it draws on the rich Christian tradition to present Christian mindfulness exercises that help us slow down, connect to what is happening inside ourselves and make space to listen for God's guidance in everyday life.
A few years ago, my school became involved in a learning theory entitled ‘Growth Mindset’. It revolved around the belief that you can improve intelligence, ability and performance. The opposite, a fixed mindset, refers to the belief that a person's talents are hard to change.
But if we wish to connect with people, and build relationships, and love people into the church, then yes, it may be difficult. It may be uncomfortable. It may be again your usual way of thinking – but that’s ok, because God’s way of thinking isn’t our way of thinking. So if things are beginning to feel a little uncomfortable, be assured that the Spirit is at work, and your effort - even though you may never see a result – is worth it.
Relational God, thank you for showing us a different way – a way that world doesn’t understand, but a way that shows your love. Give us the strength to show your love through our relationship building. In Jesus name, Amen.
Today's devotion written by Mark Simpfendorfer, LifeWay Epping