For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.
Have you ever been hopelessly lost? There is an ad on the telly at the moment for an insurance company which offers roadside assistance- I forget which one - and it includes a man who recounts his experience of being lost. In the ad he says, "I didn't know where I was, but they did!" That's how it is with us and God. So often we think we have everything under control and we have life on track, while in reality we fail to notice the little things that slowly cause us to drift away from God until we are hopelessly far from him and completely lost. We might not always know where we are, but God does, and he sends us his Son and his Holy Spirit as our road side assistance to help us wherever we might be, not matter how far we have strayed into the bush.
Lord Jesus, thank you that you came into this world to meet us where we were, lost in our sin and in desperate need of a saviour. Thank you that you have not left us lost, but that you have come to find us and help us get back to where we ought to be. Help me to also be a help to others trying to find their way to you. Amen
Today's devotion provided by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle site pastor
Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain and hill made low. The crooked roads shall become straight, the rough ways smooth. And all people will see God’s salvation.’”
Handel’s Messiah. That’s what immediately comes to mind when I read this text. Premiering in 1742 in Handel’s adopted country of England, it was not meant to be a Christmas piece – although we often hear it only at Christmas. It is possibly better suited to Lent or Easter. It was composed in English, and written very quickly, between three and four weeks. This meant that if Handel was working ten hour days, he was writing 15 notes per minute – and each note was in the right place!
It’s an interesting text as Luke is quoting Isaiah. How’s your path in life – crooked or straight? If it’s a little wonky, how can you make straight paths for the Lord? Life will often throw a crooked path in our way, but relying on God, the master-road builder, will allow you to navigate that path, knowing God is walking alongside you.
Heavenly father, help us to make our paths straighter, and our rough ways smooth. Make 2022 a year for a more peaceful walk in our lives, knowing you are there for us. Amen
Today's devotion provided by Mark Simpfendorfer, LifeWay Epping
Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him.
What are your main worries or concerns about the coming year? The words of this psalm are attributed to David, probably during the time that he was being hunted by King Saul and his men. For most of is reign David was fighting a battle with at least one other nation or tribe. He was a man who had plenty to worry about and yet he found rest and peace knowing that God was with him. How will you remember that God is with you even in the things that cause you worry and fear. God's salvation is complete and assured in Christ Jesus, so what could we possibly have to fear? Give your worries and cares and burdens to Jesus and find peace and rest for your soul in the arms of your God who loves and redeems you.
Lord God, when I feel fear or anxiety about the circumstances of my life, remind me that you are my salvation and that with you I have nothing to fear. Help me to face the year ahead with confidence and assurance because I know you will be with me. Amen
Today's verse provided by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle site pastor