But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.
Reading maps and knowing your way around is becoming a lost skill. When I was younger it was a badge of honour, however now we rely so much on our navigation apps and not our own memories of how to get from point A to point B. I experienced this in a very real way a few years ago. I was travelling interstate, without my husband, but with our then two small children. I had decided I would use Google maps to get me there safely. As we were happily heading down the freeway the GPS instructed me to exit. This direction didn’t seem correct to me, but I thought perhaps the happy voice knew something I didn’t and so I did exactly as she ordered. This, I soon realised, was a big mistake as I found myself driving down dirt paths, without internet or phone signal, or the voice to guide me. I did eventually make it to me destination, but it was the most stressful trip I have ever experienced. I was led astray from what I knew to be true. Jesus is the truth and we can always rely on what he says.
Jesus, I know that you never lead me astray, you light my paths and make them straight. Help me to remain on your right road, with a heart that desires all that you have for me. In your name I pray, Amen.
Today's devotion provided by Elise von Stanke, LifeWay Youth and Family Ministry Co-ordinator
not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Grace is a free gift! There is nothing you can do to earn it and nothing so bad that you are not worthy of it. This is a foundational truth of our faith, that we read in Ephesians 2:8-9. Verse 10 also lays out some foundational truths; we are made by God, not an accident, but carefully and lovingly formed and we were created to do good works, which God has already prepared us for. It is important we read verses 9 and 10 together, because this work is not done to earn or buy our salvation, if it was none of us would ever be able to do enough good works!!! At the same time, we are meant to simply wander through life, waiting for Jesus to take us home. God has prepared things for us to do, and they are good and exciting things He has equipped us for. And, by doing these things others might be drawn to their Saviour, Jesus, and receive and experience the incredible weightlessness of His love, forgiveness and grace.
Father God, I thank you for the indescribable gift of grace that comes to me freely through Jesus. I also thank you that you made me and equipped me for every good work you have planned for me. Help me to see the places you want me to be and the work you want me to do. Amen
Today's devotion provided by Elise von Stanke, LifeWay Youth and Family Ministry Co-ordinator.
“What should we do then?” the crowd asked.
There are many, many things I don’t like about social media and the internet, but one thing I do love is my local community Facebook page. Here you will find lots of people trying to help each other out in really practical ways. Lost keys or wallets, free plants or second-hand furniture. We even offered some meal-prep kits we were unable to use. Small, practical ways that people show love, care and concern for their neighbours and strangers. It makes me think of a line from an old hymn, ‘And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love.’ There are people all around us who have real needs and we have been blessed with gifts that God wants us to share. Sometimes we are called to DO something and it can be through us giving practical help and care that people experience the incredible love of Jesus.
Jesus, thank you that you showed me how to love in practical ways, by meeting the real, everyday needs of those around you. Help me to see the need and meet it with the gifts you have given me. Amen.
Today's devotion provided by Elise von Stanke, LifeWay Youth and Family ministry Co-ordinator
For you have upheld my right and my cause, sitting enthroned as the righteous judge. You have rebuked the nations and destroyed the wicked; you have blotted out their name for ever and ever.
Psalm 9 is probably written by King David, and is mainly a Psalm about thanks and praise and blessing. However, there are a few verses which remind us of the other roles God has. The Old Testament, or as some people call it, The First Testament, has many examples and stories of a judging God. Verse 5 above suggests that the Creator forgets those who fall outside the bounds of His Grace. He blots their name out forever. They are erased from history.
God does forget, after he has forgiven. Some years ago the Catholic Archbishop of Manila was pestered by a woman who came along to his weekly audience, saying she had a message from God for him. Eventually he said to her, ‘Look, we have strict guidelines about visions, so I need to test if it’s true. Go back, and ask God about a certain sin I recently confessed in private. If you ask God and he tells you the answer, I’ll know your vision is genuine’. Next week she returned, and the Archbishop asked her ‘Well, did you ask God about my sin?’
‘I did’ she replied.
‘And did God answer?”
‘Yes, he did’.
‘What did he say?’
‘God said that he couldn’t remember’.
Us humans find it difficult to forget a wrongdoing, especially if it is something done to us, but God doesn’t. Why not aim to make 2022 the year you forgive, without conditions?
God of all, thank you for continuing to put-up with us. We don’t always get it right, but we know you give us a chance on a chance on a chance. Help us to shorten all the chances you give us, and to live a life worthy as your children. Amen
Today's devotion provided by Mark Simpfendorfer, LifeWay Epping
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
Have you seen the film ‘Amazing Grace? If not, it is based on the true story of William Wilberforce, as he manoeuvres his way through the UK Parliament, in his quest to end the British Transatlantic slave trade. One of the scenes has Wilberforce talking with John Newton, the writer of the song Amazing Grace. Newton was a former slave trader himself, but when converted to Christianity, began to turn away from the slave trade. His journey included the writing of Amazing Grace, which has the lyric, ‘that saved a wretch like me’. Newton was moved by verses such as today’s. One memorable line in the film is uttered by Newton when he says, ‘I’m a great sinner and Christ is a great saviour’.
That’s all that needs to be said today. We are free. Embrace it.
Father, thank you for freeing us, for giving us life, for taking away the yoke that prevents us from living as your children. Give us the strength we’ll need to stand firm again the world. In Jesus name, Amen.
Today's devotion provided by Mark Simpfendorfer, LifeWay Epping
Calling the Twelve to him, he began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over impure spirits. These were his instructions: “Take nothing for the journey except a staff—no bread, no bag, no money in your belts.
Can you imagine the response of the disciples taking instructions from Jesus? Even though they’d been with him for some time, and knew his ways were a little unorthodox, instructions to take the bare minimum when they were heading out might have prompted question such as:
You want me to take nothing?
What about my phone?
What about my credit card?
What about my forms of identification?
Jesus was teaching his followers about faith. He was teaching them to rely on him. He was giving them a lesson in ‘needs’ and not ‘wants’. We are the same, especially in this consumer driven world, where identity is measured by how much you have.
But we, as God’s children, have it all! It’s hard to fathom that, with loans, mortgages, and 30 day credits. But God provides us with all that we need. Another reason to thank God this new year.
(PS – If you get a chance, watch ‘The Chosen’. This is a free download, and shows the humanness of Jesus and his disciples. It’s a terrific portrayal.)
Lord, we do sometimes find it hard to go without. Thank you that there are plenty of things in your world for us to enjoy, but don’t let us get trapped by them. Continue to remind us that we have the best gift of all – and that’s you and your promises. Amen
Today's devotion provided by Mark Simpfendorfer, LifeWay Epping
Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.
This is another comforting text. God won’t let the righteous be shaken – that’s you and me! It’s another way of saying that you will be able to cope with whatever life throws at you – because we know God will sustain – (strengthen us physically or mentally) – through anything. Despite the unforeseen hassles, despite the worry, despite the world and its ways of getting us down, we won’t be beaten. We have the strongest team available, with the best coach and captain around, and even though we might feel defeated, God promised that he’s defeated everything. The toughest part? Letting him do it. Letting him take charge. Letting him be in control, because we want to do it ourselves. It’s on his job description anyway, so we may as well let him do his job.
Sustainer of all, work your saving and loving ways in our lives. Remind us to be thankful for your gifts to us, and to share the Good News you bring with those around us. Continue to bless our lives in 2022. Amen
Today's devotion provided by Mark Simpfendorfer, LifeWay Epping
So Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.
Are you a good waiter? Not the food restaurant type, but someone who has patience. I’ll admit – I’m impatient. I don’t have time to be patient – and that sentence there says it all!
God copes with my impatience though, and I’m glad about that, because the reason for my waiting is everlasting life. God will be bringing salvation to me, salvation that was promised to me at my baptism – which I don’t remember, but that doesn’t mean God’s promises don’t hold true.
And it’s great that God is looking after the salvation thing, because even though I try to do it myself, even though I think I can save myself, and I’ll try really hard to do it, the reality is, I can’t.
Maybe the message for 2022 is to let God be God.
Saviour of all, we await your coming with joy. Help us prepare our lives and those around us for your return. Prompt us to respond to your saving grace with lives of love for all around us. In Jesus name, Amen.
Today's devotion by Mark Simpfendorfer, LifeWay Epping.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
Scripture was written in a time and place where beasts of burden were common. Bullocks or mules were used to plough fields or to crush grain to make flour. We don’t see them in Australia, but other places around the world still use that form of labour when farming.
When the animals were tethered to the yolk, the famer always placed a more experienced animal with a less experienced one, to teach. Matthew even mentions it – ‘take my yolk, and learn from me’. Jesus is allowing us to learn from him how to be a care-giver, and then lets us rest in him.
It’s a wonderful and comforting reminder, that our souls will feel his worth.
Teacher and comforter of all, thank you that we can rest in you. Forgive us for the times we try and do things by ourselves. Remind us to lean on you…for everything. Amen
Today's devotion provided by Mark Simpfendorfer, LifeWay Epping