Matthew 27:51

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4 May, 2022




And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. And the earth shook, and the rocks were split.


There are times in our life that it takes something dramatic for us to sit up and take notice. Perhaps it readily pops into your mind right now...a moment that shook you to the very core. A moment that you were not expecting and unprepared for. A moment that was surprising. A moment that changes your present and your future. When Matthew reports the events of Good Friday and the death of Jesus, they are more dramatic than any other Gospel, there is earthquakes and split rocks and opened tombs. The whole natural order of things is disrupted and turned on its head. Something that is not normal is occurring. This moment is significant. The curtain of the temple which kept the holy God separate from ordinary people is ripped in two. God's presence is unleashed into all the world giving all people complete and open access to his mercy and grace. The death of Jesus means there is nothing that is ever able to separate us from the love of God, as Paul writes in Romans 8:39. This moment is shakes up everything in your relationship with God. It opens up earth-shaking possibilities for your life that have cosmic implications. Spend some time today thinking about how God can unleash you today to give others access to his presence, his mercy and his grace.


Lord, it is so easy to forget the earth-shaking and cosmic implications of your death for the world and my own life. Shake me up today that I may experience again that beauty of your presence and reflect it in every interaction I have. Amen.